Women In Stone Spotlight Features Tracye Harrison of Alabama Stone
Tuesday March 26, 2019
Time for another Women In Stone Spotlight! Today we’re highlighting Tracye Harrison, general manager at Alabama Stone, a division of Vetter Stone. Tracye has been in the stone industry for 30 years. We love the story of her experience in the industry: “My first thought about the stone business was, ‘how much can there be to drawing a rock?’ I was applying for a drafting position and obviously knew nothing about the industry. It has been my good fortune to have worked with/trained by some of the most respected people in the business. I love that we have a good relationship with our customers and each other. I love the finished product–a friend used to say we were building modern day castles! As the old timers used to say, ‘once you get that dust on your shoes there is no going back!'” Thanks for sharing your story, Tracye! Learn More